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Dr. Kristen Goree's Model 4 IMPACT was designed to foster transformation through the development of innovative solutions to complex problems that affect the health and well-being of people. Solutions are created through a biblical worldview and lead to improved outcomes. This model consists of 4 key concepts and six IMPACT steps, which are intended to progress in sequential order spelling the word "impact." One exception to this rule occurs at steps 3 and 4, which may occur in reverse order, as depicted by the double arrow in the illustration below. Unlike other theoretical or problem-solving models, this model integrates the Christian faith.

Please Note: You are free to use the downloadable Model 4 IMPACT image for instructional purposes as long as the copyright disclaimer is not removed and the model is not adapted in anyway. If you wish to reproduce any materials on this page for publication or commercial use then permission must be obtained. 

Dr. Kristen Goree's
model 4 impacT 
Model4IMPACT-No Title.png

Copyright © 2022 Kristen J. Goree | All rights reserved |

4 key concepts

1. Christ-Centered

In the middle of the model is a silver cross, which represents Jesus Christ as the focus of the six step IMPACT process. Rather than seeking to solve complex problems out of selfish ambition, the goal is to honor Christ through the process and serve as an example of His love to the world. To the left and right of the cross are steps that further emphasize the need to incorporate the Christian faith by reflecting on Scripture, praying for wisdom and direction, and devising solutions that incorporate biblical principles (Steps 2 and 5). 

2. Evidence-Based

Evidence consists of primary and secondary data, and qualitative and quantitative research. Data assists in understanding the extent of the problem and its root causes (Step 1). Evidence guides in the development of innovative solutions by providing insight into existing strategies and their level of effectiveness (Step 4).

3. Systems-Based

This model incorporates systems thinking with the understanding that complex problems have multiple different interrelated causes that are more effectively addressed as a whole rather than isolated parts. Collaborative partnerships across organizations and communities are key in identifying strategies that provide wholistic versus fragmented approaches to issues that affect health and well-being (Steps 3 and 5). 

4. Transformative

Positive change in the world occurs through the power of Jesus. The image of light shining behind the cross and extending across the earth reflects Jesus' love in action and the call to be light to the world (Matthew 5:14-16). Health and well-being are improved through the implementation of innovative solutions that incorporate a biblical worldview (Steps 5 and 6). 

6 Steps to IMPACT

1.  Identify and investigate a Complex problem

The first step in the IMPACT process is to identify a complex problem that affects the health and well-being of people. Complex problems are multifaceted, having more than one root cause, multiple competing approaches, and the need for a systems approach. Similar to the definition presented through the World Health Organization, health in this model extends beyond the absence of acute or chronic disease and incorporates physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellness. Well-being includes quality of life, manifested through health, happiness, purpose, and prosperity. Once a problem is identified, it must be investigated using primary and secondary data sources in order to understand the extent of the problem and its root causes.

2. meditate on God's word and pray for direction

The second step in this process is to spend time meditating on God's Word. To meditate in this context is to read, study, and reflect upon Scripture that provides understanding of the issue and informs solutions or partnerships. Next, comes prayer for wisdom, direction, and blessing. 

3. Pursue partnerships with passion

The third step in the IMPACT process involves pursuing collaborative partnerships. Partnerships occur when individuals or organizations with different expertise come together to achieve a common goal. Passion is important in the recruitment process in order to effectively relay the urgency of the problem and the need for a systems approach.

4. assemble and analyze evidence on existing strategies

The fourth step requires that existing evidence for potential strategies is assembled and analyzed. This is often done in the form of a literature review using qualitative and quantitative research, but can also include public databases, repositories, and organizational reports.

5. create innovative solutions through a biblical worldview 

The fifth step in the process focuses on creating solutions. While evidence from the previous step is intended to spark ideas, innovation is needed to devise solutions capable of incorporating multiple evidence-based strategies that address root causes through a systems approach. In addition, solutions should be devised through a biblical worldview and thus be informed by Scripture and the life of Jesus. 

6. transform Your world

The sixth and final step of the model includes the implementation of solutions and the evaluation of outcomes to transform "your world." "Your world" is intended to be broad, allowing for application of this model to complex problems that not only occur globally, but within one's organization or community. Transformation is defined as positive outcomes that affect the physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being of people. During this step it is important to seek God's blessing and empowerment in order to bring about positive change as a light to the world. If outcomes are not achieved then data should be reviewed and the preceding five IMPACT steps revisited to identify areas in need of refinement. 

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